
Tinute de toamna cu BONPRIX

05:39:00 Descude 0 Comments



  Vremea zboara si iata-ne iarasi la sfarsit de an bucurandu-ne de perioada asta magica. Eu am ramas datoare cu ultimele tinute postate zilele trecute pe contul meu de Instagram (@descudee). Poate ca vi se pare o perioada in care e mai dificil sa creezi o tinuta, dar e si tare fain sa punem strat, peste strat, peste strat. 

Ultima comanda plasata pe Bonprix a fost alcatuita din piese in nuante pamantii, tare frumoase mi s-au parut inca de cand le-am zarit pe site. Dar haideti sa vedeti cum arata pe mine, cum se aseaza si cum am ales sa le port. 

 O fusta intr-o nuanta atat de frumoasa si care sa se aseze atat de bine eu nu am. E absolut minunata si mi-e tare draga. Mai am una similara, dar e neagra si e midi (vine peste genunchi si e tot de pe Bonprix, am scris un articol si despre ea aici).

Mai multe modele de fuste gasiti pe site-ul Bonprix.

Si ce pantaloni am gasit:

- croiul preferat (bifat)

- nuanta mea de suflet (bifat)

Sunt deosebiti si atat de frumos se potrivesc cu peisajele de toamna.

Multe alte de modele de pantaloni sunt disponibile pe site, eu va las mereu link.   

Sa imi spuneti care din cele doua piese v-a intrat la suflet mai mult? Fusta? Pantalonii? Eu recunosc, imi plac ambele la fel de mult.

Vin si cu alte idei catre voi si va las link catre un pulover lung pentru femei.


Wishlist | RIHOAS

02:30:00 Descude 0 Comments



Hey everyone!

In today's post I share a wishlist with very nice pieces from Rihoas, an online store that I quickly browsed and I found with joy that most of the pieces fit me and I instantly fell in love. I always find articles to share with you, but I haven't made a real wishlist in a long time.  

There was a time when I posted here on my blog so often ... Does anyone else read blogs?  Who's been here with me since the beginning? 


  From the first seconds I was attracted to this feminine dress, the print is wonderful, I also like the cut.

Another piece that I find extremely beautiful is this beautiful floral print blouse. How cute is this?

We stay in the same shade and I bring to your attention another wonderful dress . This burgundy is divine. And it matches very nicely with the blouse. Love.

A pleated midi skirt with high waist that I would wear as soon as winter comes with beautiful sweaters. Can't wait.


And the last piece, a romantic-looking top that I would wear it with jeans or midi skirts. 


Whether you are a fashion blogger or not, what is on your wish list?