
Look de primavara cu Bonprix

05:52:00 Descude 0 Comments



Doua look -uri de primavara in articolul de azi, mai precis.


Iar primăvara asta sunt setata pe culoare mai mult decât oricând. Regret toate piesele nebune pe care le-am scapat de-a lungul anilor si imi pare rau ca am mers pe piese cat mai inchise la culoare, dar in acelasi timp  iubesc faptul ca sunt atat de multe modele colorate in magazine, deci este vreme sa recuperez. 

Obisnuiesc sa vanez piesele colorate de pe Bonprix si le adaug la Wishlist, apoi fac o comanda mai generoasa cand le vine vremea. Acum mi-am comandat piese subtirele, sa aduc primavara mai repede si ador rochia fuchsia pe care am gasit-o fix pe marimea mea. 


 Look nr 2

Mi-a placut mult printul floral al acestei fuste si croiala e excelenta. E cu talie inalta, nasturei de sus pana jos in partea din fata si doua slituri laterale. Bineinteles ca e prea frig acum sa o port fara o alta haina peste, fara ciorapi si fara un pulover mai gros. Cu toate acestea, sa speram ca primavara va veni in curand si cu siguranta o vad mai potrivita unei tinute de vara cu o palarie de paie si un top minuscul.

 Va indemn sa aruncati un ochi in categora Rochii pentru modele diverse, asemenea si la categoria Fuste.





My floral print skirt from RIHOAS

02:02:00 Descude 0 Comments




Here is your midi skirt outfit inspiration! It’s super comfortable and also looks really polished!

 I mentioned somewhere on the blog that I’ve never had a floral print skirt, so this is a first! A great alternative to pants in the cold months, specially since it can be worn with thermal tights and tall boots. Double win!

 This beautiful dress is from RIHOAS and I have a discount code for you:

"simon" for 15% discount

There are simple outfit formulas that can make styling skirts easy!

- Use a truly thigh-high slit that is going to offer that sexy vibe nobody expects with such a skirt. Pair it with a boot that is over-the-knee and you even have something appropriate for dealing with the really cold weather.

- If you’re going for a bulky sweater, make sure that you tuck a part of the sweater into your waistband, to give your outfit more shape.




It’s truly a piece that can be worn for all occasions from casual to formal and can be styled to fit whatever look you’re going for (feminine, chic, work appropriate etc.).


Once winter is over, don’t stuff your midi skirts too far in the back of your closet because you can easily reincorporate it into your spring wardrobe. Who doesn’t love a versatile piece?


Much love,